Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Telecommunication Audit needed

Why do we need telecommunication audit?

First a disclaimer: I am not in telecom audit business and i am not plugging away for any particular business. The telecom is the only service used all users of internet. This is a very profitable and fast growing business, which being a service can easily be overbilled without the customer being any wiser. So this blog is to help balance this relationship between the telecom company and the customer, where the customer can make an informed choice to reduce the overall telecom cost.

Originally telecom services meant Plain Old Local Telephone where you are billed per call. Any one can check that out. Then came the long distance, International calls, etc., When internet and data services came in, the situationhas become very complex. Due to competition so many plans came up which are supposed to save costs for us but ends up fleecing us. How it happened? Because we have selected wrong plans.

Telecom services have become complex when they are more and more important to all businesses. What it has meant is that having control over the cost of telecom services has become a dedicated job. Large corporations can use a specialist to negotiate the best terms, verify the plans, check the bills in a detailed manner, etc., He can estimate the future needs and select the best plans or even negotiate for a special plan for their needs. Besides he checks for any erraneous extra charges.

Others are forced to select a ready made plan and just pay up. They can just check the arithmetics of the bill but do they know intricacies on how to reduce the over all cost? The answer is no. Thats where the service of telecommunication audit comes in.

The telecommunication audit helps in reducing the cost by locating errors, best plans for you as of now as well as for future needs.

Does it mean that the telecom company is always wrong? No it is just that it has so many customers on its rolls with so many varied plans that it can very easily make errors which can not be located by a layman.

Some practical questions before selecting who will do the telecommunication audit?

  • Whether he has past references and these have been researched?
  • Whether he can reduce cost without carrier change?
  • Whether the fee is contingency fee or fixed fee? Contingency fee will mean the auditor earns his fee in proportion to savings generated for you so that he works with your interest in his heart
  • Whether you will be in control and you will have to give the permission before any changes?
  • Whether he will provide proof of savings before paying for any telecom services?
  • Whether he will provide contract negotiations?.
  • Whether he will provide any specialised software to continue monitoring the telecom bills easily?
  • Since this blog is consumer oriented, we are not plugging away for any one auditor. You can always do a search for finding the various options available for you.

    If you as a consumer have any episodes of errors found, alternatives which reduced your cost, please feel free post in this blog subject to warnings below. This will help other consumers make an informed choice

  • Please do not flame any telecom provider here. They are in business to make a profit.
  • You are responsible for not taking adequate precaution before signing the dotted line. Don't throw your responsibility on to the service provider.
  • Telecom companies are rich. They can sue you to your last cent. You have been warned.
  • You as the poster take full responsibility for your posting. No one else is responsible. You are assumed to be aceepting these conditions, if you are posting in this blog.